President Paudel Emphasizes Social Security and Constitutional Rights on Constitution Day

Published 2023 Sep 20 Wednesday

Kathmand: President Ram Chandra Paudel has delivered a message on Constitution Day and National Day, highlighting the necessity to ensure equal access to state-sponsored services and social security for all citizens in accordance with the Constitution.

President Paudel expressed his best wishes and congratulations to the people of Nepal on this occasion, identifying the key challenge as the effective implementation of constitutionally-guaranteed fundamental rights and the strengthening of the national economy by shifting from an import-based economic model.

He emphasized the importance of fostering a culture that respects work and the system, creating income opportunities for the disadvantaged, and delivering justice to the vulnerable segments of society.

President Paudel also paid tribute to both known and unknown martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the establishment of a democratic republic and acknowledged the contributions of senior figures who paved the way for the democratic system. He noted that the present Constitution has united the diverse Nepali society for the greater cause of national unity.

To enhance inter-governmental relations and establish a robust federal governance system, President Paudel underscored the need for natural resource mobilization, modernization of agriculture, and the development of entrepreneurship.

In closing, he expressed confidence that Constitution Day would serve as a reminder to make the government and the entire regime more democratic, just, and result-oriented. President Paudel called upon everyone to make sincere efforts to translate the constitutional principles into action.

This message from the Head of State reinforces the importance of social security and the full realization of constitutional rights for all Nepali citizens.

